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Oggi è il giorno dedicato all’uscita di The Scionless House il racconto di Nazarea Andrews (autrice anche della serie The World Without End di cui vi parlavo QUI) di genere paranormal che anticipa The Scion Legacy, il primo volume della serie The Blood Scion che uscirà in novembre (in lingua inglese).

Inoltre, più sotto, trovare un ricchissimo giveaway grazie al quale potete vincere l’ARC di The Blood Scion e uno splendido ciondolo! Cosa aspettate a scoprire tutto, ma proprio tutto sulla Casa senza Rampollo?

Ma scopriamo tutto su questa nuova serie che sembra essere davvero moooolto interessante!

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TSH_Teaser1THE SCIONLESS HOUSE (The Scion Legacy, #0,5)

Twelve Houses. Twelve vampire lines. We ruled from the shadows, and manipulated the world, and when humans came too close to destruction, we intervened.

Every House has a Scion. A fragile, easily broken human that stood shoulder to shoulder with the house Princes and Princesses.
Except for ours. The Ravens, House Cantelie.
We’ve been without a Scion for almost fifteen years.
But that will change…and her life will be mine to protect.

Goodreads | Amazon

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THE BLOOD SCION (The Scion Legacy, #1)

I was just a reporter, trying to stay ahead of my student loans. I knew the rules, and I followed them.
I thought I knew how the world worked—humans lived their petty little lives in the safety of the sun. We loved and fought and—when the sun sank—we scurried behind our walls and lived in fear. That is when the monsters came out to play.
And even in the safety of the sun, we knew who ruled us.
The Houses. And their Scions.
Everyone knows the great Houses and their Scions—they are feared and loved and hated and envied. They are the gods who walk the shadows and rule all of our lives. They are salvation and death.
And somehow, I am one of them.



nazarea andrews - scion giveaway


Nazarea Andrews (N to almost everyone) is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. Which means she writes everything from zombies and dystopia to contemporary love stories. When not writing, she can most often be found driving her kids to practice and burning dinner while she reads, or binging watching TV shows on Netflix. N loves chocolate, wine, and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, spoiled cat and overgrown dog. She is the author of World Without End series, Neverland Found, Edge of the Falls, and The University of Branton Series. Stop by her twitter (@NazareaAndrews) and tell her what fantastic book she should read next.



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