Ieri vi ho parlato di un libro della Armentrout che non vedevo l’ora fosse pubblicato in Italia e che finalmente è arrivato (qui l’articolo). Oggi invece ho il piacere di annunciarvi una sua nuova uscita oltreoceano che presto arriverà anche da noi. Come J.Lynn sta pubblicando la serie Wait for you, di cui in Italia sono già stati rilasciati Ti Aspettavo (Wait for you #1) e Ti Fidi di me? (Trust in Me – Wait for you#1,5) entrambi dalla casa editrice Nord, ebbene oggi è il Release Day Lounch di Stay With Me. Qui conosceremo due nuovi personaggi: Calla e Jax. Vi aspetta quindi il Book Trailer Reveal ufficiale del libro, un estratto (in inglese) e un giveaway dove poter vincere una gift card Amazon o B&N da 25 $. Ecco tutti i dettagli!
Innanzitutto, ecco il book trailer ufficiale di questo libro:
E ora è tempo di scoprire la trama e i personaggi!
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wait for You and Be with Me comes a daring tale that pushes boundaries . . .
At 21, Calla hasn’t done a lot of things. She’s never been kissed, never seen the ocean, never gone to an amusement park. But growing up, she witnessed some things no child ever should. She still carries the physical and emotional scars of living with a strung-out mother, Mona—secrets she keeps from everyone, including her close circle of college friends.
But the safe cocoon Calla has carefully built is shattered when she discovers her mom has stolen her college money and run up a huge credit card debt in her name. Now, Calla has to go back to the small town she thought she’d left behind and clean up her mom’s mess again. Of course, when she arrives at her mother’s bar, Mona is nowhere to be found. Instead, six feet of hotness named Jackson James is pouring drinks and keeping the place humming.
Sexy and intense, Jax is in Calla’s business from the moment they meet, giving her a job and helping her search for Mona. And the way he looks at her makes it clear he wants to get horizontal . . . and maybe something more. Before Calla can let him get close, though, she’s got to deal with the pain of the past—and some very bad guys out to mess her up if she doesn’t give them her mom.
Find the book here: Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iTunes ** Kobo ** GooglePlay
Tutte le copertine della serie italiana:
Tutte le copertine della serie USA:
La serie americana, al momento, è previsto sia composta di 6 libri. Ecco tutti i titoli e le date di uscita (negli USA):
– Wait For You (Wait for You #1): Febbraio 2013; Ti Aspettavo: uscito in Italia a gennaio 2014 (Casa Editrice Nord);
– Trust in Me (Wait for You #1,5): Ottobre 2013; Ti Fidi di Me?: uscito in Italia a luglio 2014 (Casa Editrice Nord);
– Be With Me (Wait for You #2): Febbraio 2014;
– The Proposal (Wait for You #2,5): Marzo 2014;
– Stay with Me (Wait for You #3): Settembre 2014;
– Fall with Me (Wait for You #4): prevista per Aprile 2015;
– Forever with Me (Wait for You #5): prevista per l’autunno 2015;
– Fire with You (Wait for You #6): prevista per il 2016.
La serie Wait for You riguarda il genere New Adult contemporary romance ed è pubblicata per gli USA da Avon (William Morrow), una marchio di HarperCollins.
As I lay there, trying to swallow a loud, obnoxious yawn, I remembered something he’d said when we first met, about life being too short. I imagined he had firsthand experience with shortened lives while he was serving. That mentality came from experience. I got that now. Could even understand it, but there was something I didn’t understand.
There was a beat. “Why what?”
Jax sounded tired, and I should shut up or point out that I was now tired and could sleep, so he could leave. But I didn’t. “Why are you here? You don’t know me and . . .” I trailed off, because there really wasn’t anything left to say.
A minute went by, and he hadn’t answered my question, and then I think another minute ticked on, and I was okay with him not answering because maybe he didn’t even know. Or maybe he was just bored and that was why he was here.
But then he moved.
Jax pressed against my back, and the next breath I took got stuck in my throat. My eyes shot open. The sheet and blanket were between us, but they felt like nothing.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Getting comfortable.” He dropped an arm over my waist, and my entire body jerked against his. “It’s time to sleep I think.”
“You can’t sleep when you talk,” he remarked.
“You don’t need to be all up on me,” I pointed out.
His answering chuckle stirred the hair along the back of my neck. “Honey, I’m not all up on you.”
I freaking begged to differ on that point. I started to wiggle away, but the arm around my waist tightened, holding me in place.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he announced casually, as if he wasn’t holding me prisoner in the bed.
Okay. The whole prisoner thing might be melodramatic, but he wasn’t letting me up. Not when he was getting all kinds of comfy behind me.
Oh my God, this was spooning. Total spooning. I was spooning with an honorary member of the Hot Guy Brigade. Did I wake up in a parallel universe?
“Sleep,” he demanded, as if the one word carried that much power. “Go to sleep, Calla.” This time his voice was softer, quieter.
“Yeah, it doesn’t work that way, Jax. You have a nice voice, but it doesn’t hold the power to make me sleep on your command.”
He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, but the most ridiculous thing ever was the fact that after a couple of minutes, my eyes stayed shut. I . . . I actually settled in against him. With his front pressed to my back, his long legs cradling mine, and his arm snug around my waist, I actually did feel safe. More than that, I felt something else—something I hadn’t felt in years.
I felt cared for . . . cherished.
Which was the epitome of dumb, because I barely knew him, but feeling that, recognizing what the warm, buzzing feeling was, I fell right asleep.
*** GIVEAWAY ***
Infine, eccoci arrivati al giveaway promesso: una gift card da $25 da spendere su Amazon o B&N. Sbrigatevi a partecipare perché scade domani! (cliccate sull’immagine sotto e verrete indirizzati alla pagina dover poter inserire i vostri dati)
# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.
Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.
She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.
You can find Jennifer L.Armentrout/J.Lynn at:
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