E’ oggi tempo di Cover Reveal e sto parlando di una copertina davvero stupenda. I toni sono quelli dell’arancio, ma tutto nell’immagine che vedrete porta a pensare alla magia. La storia è davvero particolare e la protagonista sembra essere proprio interessante. Curiosa di leggerlo? Ebbene, direi proprio di sì… ma lascio spazio alla copertina, poi fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!
Title: A Magic Within
Author: Sara V. Zook
To Be Published: June 18th, 2014
Genre: YA Paranormal
Normalità. Ho bisogno di tornare ad uno stato di normalità. Cosa mi è successo? Perché sono qui in questo orfanotrofio, e perché mi è proibito lasciarlo? Tutti sono così crudeli qui. Non riesco a mangiare. Non riesco a dormire. Sto diventando paranoica. E ‘come se qualcuno stesse sempre a guardare, sempre in ascolto. C’è una paura generale qui, e per qualche ragione, sembra alimentata dal mio arrivo, ma perché hanno paura di me? Non ho chiesto questo. Io non so nemmeno come sono arrivata qui. Ho bisogno di tornare a casa. I miei genitori devono essere terribilmente preoccupati. Ci deve essere qualcuno qui che mi può aiutare, chi mi può dare risposte e mi portano nella giusta direzione, così posso uscire di qui. C’è questo ragazzo, Lydic. Può essere la mia chiave per uscire? Lo vedo nei suoi occhi che è dispiaciuto per me. Sembra sapere più di quello che sta dice. Queste persone non sono come nessuno che io abbia mai incontrato prima.
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Sara V. Zook è una scrittrice di romanzi paranormal/fantasy. E’ l’autrice della trilogia Strange in Skin, di Clipped and Evanescent, Book 1 nella The Sempiternal Series. Vive in Pennsylvania con i suoi 3 bambini e il marito.
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“What is that sound?” I asked in a whisper. It was still far away but growing louder and closer by the minute.
Lydic put his arm behind his back and opened his hand for me to take it. I slid my fingers into his and waited for him to let me know what to do next. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Another second passed and then Lydic turned, his eyes locked on mine as he nodded his head. We took off to try to outrun whatever it was that was coming for us. We had only gotten two steps in before I felt Lydic’s grasp on my hand slip away. I turned around to see what was happening. I screamed out in horror as Lydic was frozen in place. He was still on his feet, but his head was drawn back and his eyes rolling into his head as if in extreme pain.
“Lydic!” I cried out.
The old woman was behind him. She had that stick, the same one I had tripped over, held up in the air and aimed at Lydic’s head. There were bright colors, green and yellow, pouring out from the end of the stick and going directly into his skull. The woman’s expression was one of determination. Her eyes were closed and her lips pressed together as she mumbled something I couldn’t understand.
What are you going to do? Panic seized me. Lydic was supposed to help me, not the other way around. I didn’t know what to do. I had to stop this, but how?
The high-pitched whistling grew louder and more intense. It was starting to hurt my ears. My gut told me that if I didn’t make a move now, it was going to be too late.
I took a step toward the stick and reached out and grabbed it with my hand. I used all the strength I had to yank it from the grasp of the old woman. Lydic fell to his knees. The woman glared at me, a low growl escaping from her throat. She lunged toward me. Without having time to think, I instinctively swung the large stick at her, using it as a bat and she was the ball. It collided with her head making a grotesque sound. She collapsed to the ground. Lydic looked up at me. I was breathing hard, trying to understand what had just happened.
“What do we do?” I asked. The whistling noise was almost to us, but I still couldn’t see anything.
Lydic glanced over his shoulder at the woman. “Run!”
E dopo l’estratto, ecco tutti i colleghi blogger che ospitano il Cover Reveal di Magic Within by Sara V. Zook:
- Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
- Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
- Jude @ Platypire Reviews
- Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person
- Elizabeth @ Elizabeth Blogs About It All
- Patricia @ Room With Books
- S.M. @ S.M. Bysh Author
- Lisa & Sarah @ Girls with Books
- Kristin @ Second Book to the Right
- Jen @ Just One More Page
- Meg @ Year in Books
- Mary @ Mary’s Cup of Tea
- Sarit @ Coffee, Books & Art
- Angela @ I Feel The Need, The Need To Read
- Erika @ Wonderful Monster
- Cinta @ Indie Authors You Want to Read
- Jessica @ Jess’s Book Blog
- Sabrina @ Sabrina’s Paranormal Palace
- Wendy @ The Author and Reader Spotlight
- E.M. @ Realms of a Fantastical Mind
- Justine @ Fairytales Do Come True Just Ask Any Romance Author
- Renee @ Renee Entress’s Blog
- Amie @ BookSkater
- Nicole @ Author Groupies
- Jaime @ Books and Liberty Love
- Kristy @ 4bookwormsunited
- Katrina @ Trinas Tantilising Tidbits
- Kandi @ Kandi Kisses Loves Books
- Erica @ The Book Elf’s Nook
- Rachael @ Charming Reads
- CCAM @ Mythical Books
- Dalene @ Dalene’s Book Reviews
- Ky @ Ky Grabowski
- Kristy @ Keep Calm & Write On
- Jannat @ The Book Addict
- Lorraine @ Love to Read
- Amanda @ Escaping Reality Within Pages
- Isabel @ Tween 2 Teen Book Reviews
Thank you so much for having me! <3