Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti
Il titolo, tradotto, sarebbe La Mietitura. Ma non parliamo di grano né di qualsiasi altra coltura. Quella che si trova davanti Lyala quando torna a casa, in seguito ad una chiamata psichica della nonna, è una vera e propria invasione di non-morti, zombi decisi ad eliminare per prima Amletville e poi l’intera umanità. Servirà tutto il sangue freddo (e la lama “calda”) di Layla per difendere i propri cari ed evitare un’epidemia globale che potrebbe annientare il mondo come noi lo conosciamo. La trama mi intriga molto… ecco la cover del libro e sotto tutte le informazioni!

melanie karsak - the harvesting
The Harvesting by Melanie Karsak
(The Harvesting #1)
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Young Adult, Zombies
Designed by Princess of Shadows
Here you can view the Book Trailer!
Book summary

“The world, it seemed, had gone silent. It was something we knew but did not talk about. We were alone.”

While Layla Petrovich returns home to rural Hamletville after a desperate call from her psychic grandmother, she never could have anticipated the horror of what Grandma Petrovich has foreseen. The residents of Hamletville will need Layla’s cool head, fast blade and itchy trigger finger to survive the undead apocalypse that’s upon them. But even that may not be enough. With mankind silenced, it soon becomes apparent that we were never alone. As the beings living on the fringe seek power, Layla must find a way to protect the ones she loves or all humanity may be lost.

This exciting new dark fantasy/horror hybrid blends the best of the zombie genre with all the elements a fantasy reader loves!

It’s all fun and games until someone ends up undead!

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melanie karsakMelanie Karsak grew up in rural northwestern Pennsylvania and earned a Master’s degree in English from Gannon University. A steampunk connoisseur, white elephant collector, and zombie whisperer, the author currently lives in Florida with her husband and two children. She is an Instructor of English at Eastern Florida State College.

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