E’ con grande piacere che mi appresto a scrivere questo post perché sono stata tra i pochi blog scelti per il tour dedicato a Darkside Sun (in lingua inglese) della giovane autrice canadese Jocelyn Adams. Un libro davvero interessante e che spero (e credo) prima o poi arriverà anche in Italia. Il genere è uno dei miei preferiti (paranormal romance) e se abbiniamo mondi paralleli e la capacità di vedere gli spiriti, beh, il gioco è fatto, sono fregata! Di seguito trovate quindi tutte le indicazioni sulla trama, l’autrice, un fantastico giveaway e la mia intervista: 4 domande di approfondimento sul libro, la scrittura, i suoi personaggi. Buona lettura!
Title: DARKSIDE SUN (The Mortal Machine #1)
Author: Jocelyn Adams
Publisher: Entangled Embrace
Pub. Date: March 10, 2014
Pages: 291
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes& Noble
The dead have been waiting for her…
Addison Beckett tries hard to pretend she’s normal, but she’s far from it. Since she was six years old, she’s seen the world around her unraveling, as if someone is pulling a thread from a sweater and it’s all slowly coming undone. When she ignores it, it goes away, so that’s what she does.
Enter her arrogant-but-hot professor Asher Green. He knows all about her special brand of crazy. In fact, he might be just as nuts as she is. Asher insists that the dead from a parallel dimension are trying to possess the living in this one. And since Addison seems to be the only one who can see these “wraiths,” she just might be the key to saving the world.
Addison wants nothing to do with Asher or his secret society, The Mortal Machine. But as their animosity grows, she finds it harder and harder to ignore the chemistry between them. And when she discovers that Machine laws forbid her from touching him, she realizes that’s all she wants to do.
Stop the wraiths. Break the rules. Save the world. All in a day’s work.
Normal was overrated, anyway.
Per questo blog tour, sono in palio diversi premi e giveaway. Eccoli:
– 1 $25.00 gift card from Amazon or B & N (winner’s choice)
– Sun charm necklace
– Signed bookmark
Per partecipare è sufficiente cliccare qui!
1. What inspires you to write a story?
Inspiration comes from every direction for me. Scent. The color of someone’s eyes—I have a thing for neat eyes. Someone’s name. An interaction I witness while people-watching, which I love to do. It can be something small and seemingly insignificant, but the chain reaction that goes off in my mind is astounding. Sometimes an entire novel will unravel in my head within a few hours of that moment of inspiration. Most of the time I appreciate the way my brain works, and other times, I wish it had an off switch. J
2. What’s the genesis of Darkside Sun?
I spent a lot of time stargazing as a kid. What was out there in that spread of black velvet and diamonds? Were we the only people in the universe? Or were there other girls out there just like me, staring back in my direction, wondering the same thing? Knowing answers may not come in my lifetime, I decided to dream up my own ideas and turn them into a romantic adventure. Add in a quirky heroine and a dashing and mysterious hero, and Darkside Sun was born.
3. Would you like to introduce us Addison Beckett?
Oh gosh, where to begin with this plaid-loving country girl… She’s a bit of an odd duck and she knows it, often poking fun at herself because it’s better than hiding under the bed. She’s been seeing her reality literally unravelling around her since she was little, and even with all of the oddness her life hands her, she doesn’t start out brave. When it counts, though, she finds her backbone and learns how to fight as fiercely as she loves.
4. What about The Mortal Machine? May you tell us something about this secret society?
The Mortal Machine is a somewhat dysfunctional family of demi-immortal guardians responsible for keeping another reality’s dead from crossing over to Earth and possessing people. They’ve been led to believe touch between guardians will kill them, which makes the fireworks between Asher and Addison interesting to say the least.
Jocelyn Adams lives in the Muskoka region of Ontario with her high school sweetheart and young daughter. She writes dark, romantic fantasy, is a wife, mother, blogger, carbaholic, and a former IT geek.
Find her Young Adult-friendly persona here.
Author Links:
Tour Schedule: ecco tutte le tappe del tour e i blog amici che lo ospitano!
Week 1:
3/17/2014- Shortie Says – Review
3/17/2014- Fantasy Book Addict– Excerpt
3/18/2014- Reese’s Reviews– Review
3/18/2014- BiblioJunkies– Guest Post
3/19/2014- Sabrina’s Paranormal Palace– Review
3/19/2014- Fade Into Fantasy– Interview
3/20/2014- Anna Lives and Breathes Books- Review
3/20/2014- Two Chicks on Books– Excerpt
3/21/2014- The Demon Librarian– Review
3/21/2014- The Cover Contessa– Guest Post
Week 2:
3/24/2014 Book Club Sisters– Review
3/24/2014- Library of the Seen- Interview
3/25/2014- Shayna Varadeaux Books & Reviews– Review
3/25/2014- Parajunkee’s View- Interview
3/26/2014- As the page turns– Review
3/26/2014- Curling Up With A Good Book- Excerpt
3/27/2014- Living in a Bookworld– Review
3/27/2014- Wonderful Monster– Interview
3/28/2014- Julie Antonovich Reece– Review
3/28/2014- Talking Books Blog– Guest Post